Chia-Dipped Bananas with Yogurt

Yogurt is such a nice, easy way to start the morning — but if you’re eating it every day, it can be fun to mix it up a little. That’s just what we had in mind when we put together these little yogurt cups with the pretty chia-dipped bananas.

First of all, we’re starting with a great yogurt product. We’re really proud to carry Noosa  because it’s made with nothing but whole milk, active cultures, a touch of honey and fresh fruit purée. It has a thick, velvety texture and a lightly sweet, delightfully tart flavor we really enjoy. In this recipe, you can use any flavor you like, but we like it with  blueberry yogurt.

Bananas and yogurt are a natural combination. We’ve dipped the bananas in chia seeds to make crunchy, soft medallions. They look so cute, but they’re also packed with nutrients. The banana brings loads of potassium and magnesium; the chia is a super food, filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants and fiber. Add all the protein, healthy fats, and calcium in the yogurt, and good morning, healthy!

Best of all, this breakfast treat comes together in minutes. You could also take it to work with you, and have it for snack — a little energy boost to get you through the afternoon!


  • 1
    8-ounce container Noosa Yoghurt, divided
  • 2
    tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2
    medium bananas, sliced into 12-14 rounds each


  1. 1

    Gently stir the yogurt to combine fruit. Divide it into 2 small bowls.

  2. 2

    Place chia seeds on plate. Gently press both sides of banana slices into chia seeds.

  3. 3

    Arrange the chia-dipped bananas on top of the yogurt.