Lobster Mac & Cheese

This rich, delicious comfort food only needs the meat of one lobster to serve six to eight people!






1 hr 40 min


  • 1 1/2
    pound lobster
  • 2
    tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
  • 1
    cup cottage cheese
  • 2
    cups whole milk
  • 1
    teaspoon dry mustard
  • Pinch cayenne pepper
  • Pinch freshly grated nutmeg
  • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 1
    pound sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1/2
    pound macaroni or elbow pasta, uncooked


  1. 1

    For the lobster: Fill a large pot with salted water and bring to a boil over high heat.

  2. 2

    Plunge lobster into water and cover pot. Cook for 8-10 minutes, or until it’s bright red. Check the doneness by pulling an antenna; if it comes off without resistance, the lobster is done.

  3. 3

    Remove lobster to a bowl and allow to cool.

  4. 4

    Once cool, crack the lobster claws and tail over the bowl and remove the meat, reserving all liquid that comes out of the lobster. Roughly chop the lobster meat and set aside.

  5. 5

    For the mac & cheese: Heat oven to 375 F, with a rack in the upper third of the oven.

  6. 6

    Use a tablespoon of butter to grease a 9×13 baking pan.

  7. 7

    In a blender, purée cottage cheese, milk, mustard, cayenne and nutmeg; lightly season with salt and pepper.

  8. 8

    Transfer mixture to a large bowl; add grated cheese and uncooked pasta and stir well to combine.

  9. 9

    Pour into prepared pan, cover tightly with foil and bake for 30 minutes.

  10. 10

    After 30 minutes, uncover the baking pan; gently stir in lobster meat and up to 2 tablespoons of the reserved lobster juices, then dot with remaining tablespoon of butter.

  11. 11

    Bake for 30 minutes more, uncovered, until browned on top. Let cool for 15-20 minutes before serving.

Recipe source: New York Times